15 September 2006


Ed e' quanto mai meta' settembre, con le pioggie di rigore, la prima ora di tennis al coperto e il primo week-end in cui chiedersi come si potra' stare al chiuso senza farsi affliggere dalla psicosomatica... ma soprattutto, a cambiare il "feeling" della giornata e' la sveglia antelucana e il salire di Giulietta sul volo del mattino per Stansted : take care, (not so) little sister, and don't worry, it's all gonna be alright! A ciascuno le sue piccole grandi sfide, dunque, e a me a questo giro tocca quella di lavoro e casa "nuovi ma non troppo" ... we'll see ...


Infrared said...

re astromakarona

are you finally coming to london or not?

Mattia Vaccari said...

For goodness sake, don't "comment" on my blog, write good old e-mails, will you?;-)

Anyway, nope, I'll have to dash back to Italy to sign stuff so as to get my contract started on Oct 1st. I should be back to soddy London Oct 23-30!

Kizzez - M

Anonymous said...

uhmmm why shouldnt he/she post here? we all want to know when you are going to London and, above all, what you (the hell) you are going to do upthere... :D


Mattia Vaccari said...

Bla bla bla... what will I do? that's unclear, but certainly NOT skating, "bro"!;-)