29 November 2005

U2 - Crumbs From Your Table - From "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb"

L'unico CD ad avere passato l'epurazione degli ultimi giorni e ad essere rimasto in macchina si rivela improvvisamente anch'esso disturbing, e minaccia di finire sullo "scaffale dei cd perduti"... come la stragrande maggioranza delle canzoni, il senso complessivo mi sfugge, ma qualche citazione buona per tutte le stagioni ci scappa sempre...

You were pretty as a picture
It was all there to see
Then your face caught up with your psychology
With a mouth full of teeth
You ate all your friends
And you broke every heart thinking every heart mends

You speak of signs and wonders
But I need something other
I would believe if I was able
But I'm waiting on the crumbs from your table

e poi c'e' anche qualcosa prettamente per me, naturalmente...

Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die

Right, on to London, lift-off is scheduled at 9:50 am CET tomorrow...

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