Pensieri, peregrinazioni, sogni ad occhi aperti e (soprattutto:-) vaccate del buon vecchio Mattia...
Thoughts, wanderings, daydreams and (mostly!;-) nonsense by good old Mattia...
09 July 2006
Ma proprio QUESTA volta, si doveva vincere!?
06 July 2006
05 July 2006
4th of July : Last Night in Waikiki!?
Be', pare sia giunta l'ora... ciao, isole fatate, arrivederci, o addio, or whatever!?
Intanto andiamo a "casa"...
Local Media
Star Bulletin
Honolulu Advertiser
Sun Gods
The one big suprise is that as it turns out, God is the sun. It makes sense if you think about it. Why we didn't see it sooner I cannot say. Every day the sun was right there burning, ours and other planets hovering around it, always apologizing, and we didnt think it was God. Why would there be a god and also a sun? Of course God is the sun. Simple, good.
Everyone in the life before was cranky, I think, because they just wanted to know.
From "After I was thrown in the river and before I drowned"
From "How We Are Hungry : Short Stories" by Dave Eggers
Dave Eggers on Wikipedia
04 July 2006
Required oceanfront reading for the 06 summer term...
From "About The Man Who Began Flying After Meeting Her"
From "How We Are Hungry : Short Stories" by Dave Eggers
Originally published on 27 March 2004 by The Guardian
Dave Eggers on Wikipedia