28 April 2007

when comments to somebody else's blogs slip out of hand...

for maybe ghosts are indeed all that's left to us, and we thus blindly but determinedly cling to them for the fondness they still manage to inspire, sure, but also and possibly mostly for lack of better "ideas". It all feels funny, up here, out of time and space and life, and tonight as I'm trying, without being seen, to lose myself into a pair of green (really!? and since when have I been able to tell their color!?) eyes, I go back, not without some curious urgency, to pictures of another life, and, not without some curious disappointment, have to conclude that I don't feel as bad I used to... and suddenly a curious lack of purpose tries and get hold of me ... but temptations make you stronger, they say, so let's enjoy the French Alps and some music...

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